Sugared Kumquats

Have you been noticing kumquats everywhere like I have? They caught my eye several times at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's... but I was afraid. I didn't know what I was going to do with them once I got them home.  Finally I couldn't resist and picked up a carton. I mean really - there couldn't possibly any reason to feel so intimidated by these cute little guys. Plus the purchase gave me an excuse to say kumquat a bunch of times and that's just plain fun. These bright little bundles of tartness and color can be eaten whole with the skin on, but they are very tart. I like them best sliced and used in salads or over yogurt with some honey and granola. I think they would make a nice marmalade too. For a low-guilt treat we decided to sugar them. The sugar created a crunchy crust and took away some of the tartness. Sugared Kumquats are a great gluten-free treat for those of you avoiding wheat. 

Description: Sugared Kumquats
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 2:16 PM