Egg Pizza and 10 Earth Day Ideas

note: there was a glitch with the email subscriber feed. I apologize if you are receiving this after Earth Day. Although trying to live a little greener is a good thing to think about any day.
 Spring has definitely sprung in Santa Barbara. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, and the chickens are laying more than ever. My 4-year old egg collector checks the coop nesting boxes several times a day and leaves the eggs wherever she sees fit. Everyday is like an Easter egg hunt around here.

With eggs lying all over the house and my love for pizza, I decided to make an egg grilled pizza with asparagus and just a little prosciutto (which easily could be omitted for a vegetarian pizza). Yummy Hubby was skeptical about egg pizza, but I assured him that eggs on top of pizza and pasta are very popular in Italy. The kids loved this simple rustic dinner.

Description: Egg Pizza and 10 Earth Day Ideas
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 3:20 PM