Protein Oat Pancakes Recipe {Gluten Free}

I've recently started incorporating more weight training into my fitness routine. Running and spinning is just not cutting it anymore. I'm also a terrible breakfast eater. I usually forget to eat breakfast between making school lunches and getting the girls and myself dressed and out the door on time. This is a problem, so I'm trying to be better about eating a healthy breakfast.  The other day my friend, Danielle/Delightful Mom, and I were chatting at the gym about how great oat flour is as a nutritious white flour replacement.
This morning I whipped up these pancakes using healthy ingredients and they turned out light and fluffy and absolutely delicious. I will never make pancakes with white flour again. You can top the pancakes with honey, agave, or syrup. Or some yogurt and berries for extra protein.

I used a tiny bit of agave syrup and lots of berries. These are just as good as the pancakes you're accustomed to but won't pack on the pounds. They are kid-friendly too - my girls loved them! 

Recipe and Nutrition Facts After the Jump! 
Description: Protein Oat Pancakes Recipe {Gluten Free}
Rating: 4.5
Reviewed by: Imam Baihaqi
On: 10:02 AM